The Bhagavad Gita (or "Song of God") is one of the richest, most complete, and most important spiritual works ever composed.
Its teachings have been a timeless source of inspiration, wisdom, and guidance for over a thousand years.
The Gita (as it is affectionately known) is laid out as the story of a regular person, Arjuna, who has become despondent after coming to see life as a meaningless, pointless, and never-ending struggle. Arjuna is ready to quit. Sound familiar?
Krishna (a mysterious friend and hero of the story) comes to Arjuna in his time of need and counsels him on the meaning of life as well as the path that leads to purpose and deliverance.
What does Arjuna find at the end of his journey? Meaning. Tranquility. Enlightenment.
Because the struggles Arjuna faced and suffered from are the same as those we face today, the teachings of the Gita are every bit as pertinent in our era as they were over a thousand years ago when it was first recorded.
I designed my version of this enduring classic to be concise, modern, and accessible to all readers, even those with no prior knowledge of Hindu philosophy.
"We behold what we are, and we are what we behold." -The Bhagavad Gita
Scroll up and discover the majesty of the Gita for yourself!